Te Puna Hapori
Community Infrastructure Strategy
Te Puna Hapori galvanises capital to unlock potential and transform lives in underserved communities in New Zealand.
The Te Puna Hapori (meaning "spring of wellbeing") Community Infrastructure Strategy aims to deliver safe, warm and healthy communities for individuals and families to build a home, be educated, grow and flourish.
Social protection, education and health infrastructure are examples of essential community assets underinvested in non-metropolitan New Zealand.
This strategy is designed to invest and capitalise on the growing demand for critical community facilities, particularly in geographies and sectors where there is the need to unlock potential for wellbeing and health.
Brightlight and its partners have currently identified opportunities across New Zealand where there is the need to unlock potential for wellbeing and health. This investment opportunity can be accessed through a fund or bond, suiting the preference of either institutional, foundations or private investors.
The formation of this strategy was catalysed by a partnership between Trust Waikato and Brightlight in 2019. Trust Waikato has a mission to transform lives at scale, and when looking for a partner to move capital to communities with the greatest needs and aspirations, they found Brightlight Group.
The strategy is designed in close consultation with our community stakeholders. The Trust Waikato & Brightlight team has developed vital on-the-ground community-based relationships and contacts across various trusts, housing providers, Pasifika and Māori community organisations and local governments.
Multiple ways for investors to access the Te Puna Hapori Strategy: Te Puna Hapori Infrastructure Fund, Separately Managed Accounts and Syndicated Loan Deals.
Every investment sourced goes through counter-party review, asset-level analysis and comparative analysis with financial and impact considerations.
Heavy diversification across geography, demography, sector, regulation drivers, economic drivers and counterparts
Each investment delivers outcomes measured and reported against the New Zealand Living Standards Framework and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while honouring the Treaty of Waiting of Partnership, Protection and Participation principles.
Targeting up to OCR (NZD) + 3-4% per annum while structuring significant downside protection for investors in each investment.
Tim Symons
Community Infrastructure Partnerships
From the Brightlight newsroom