Multi Asset



Investors are increasingly articulating a desire to align their portfolios with their convictions and values, but there are challenges to achieving excellent outcomes.

  • Many products in the market claim to offer values integration, but not all deliver on their promises. Traversing strategies like screening, impact investing, engagement, and advocacy can complicate the choices available for investors seeking greater values alignment. Understanding your unique objectives in this investment landscape requires contextualisation that is often difficult to do alone. We partner with you to achieve clarity and direction for your investment strategy.

  • Responsible investing isn't new, but few firms offer values-based investing as their priority offering. As a result, most advisors in the market lack the focus, expertise, and experience to understand investors' needs, convictions, and objectives. A good investment partner explores possibilities to determine what works for you as an investor. We screen and research responsible, ethical, and impactful strategies that offer the opportunity to bring deep values alignment into an investor's portfolio.

  • There is a misconception that values alignment comes at the expense of returns and performance. Increasing evidence supports the performance outcomes of values-led investment strategies. We understand investor concerns and can educate and bring relevant stakeholders on the journey. Values and investment are not mutually exclusive concepts. We believe the two can work in harmony. Academic studies consistently demonstrate values-based strategies deliver equivalent or better risk-adjusted results.


We provide tailored support to align your investment portfolio with your values. With access to Brightlight's specialized experience, skill-set and capabilities, we can help you achieve greater values alignment alongside stellar investment returns and performance. 

  • Development of investment philosophy and approach

  • Values-based screening for listed equities

  • Values-aligned manager selection across listed portfolios

  • Identification of appropriate investment opportunities in unlisted portfolios

  • Support with portfolio construction

  • We can work independently or with internal teams to provide research, analysis, and support

Separately Managed

Research, values screening, ethical analysis, and strategy are all provided by our highly experienced team. We deliver "the works" to achieve triple-bottom-line outcomes for your portfolio. This deep-values approach ensures we integrate various alignment strategies without compromising on investment outcomes.

  • Unlisted portfolio carve-out designed to deliver exposure to high-impact opportunities

  • Whole-of-portfolio strategies that have values alignment across every asset class

  • Implemented through discretionary or non-discretionary formats


We exist to transform lives through purposeful investing.